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Secure transactions without the need for internet! Upgrade effortlessly with an SD card, and complete QR code transactions in under 30 seconds. See it, sign it—Say goodbye to insecurity; your information is always safe on a secure island.


Your Assets, Your Control. With independent storage for fingerprints and two recovery seed phrase, only you can access your assets. Easily recover funds if your device is lost. Our open-source software ensures transparency and trust.


Once the internal structure is exposed to light, all data is instantly cleared, preventing physical attacks—secure and worry-free.

Goldshell Wallet


    اختر العملة.


    Interconnected Chain

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    السلسلة المترابطة

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    في السلسة المترابطة، نؤمن بشدة بأن تجربة العملاء وثقتهم هما بنفس الأهمية. خدمتنا لكل عميل وتقديرنا لكل طلب وخدمة هو التزامنا وميزتنا.

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     © 2025 InterconnectedChain KSA(شركة السلسلة المترابطة لتقنية المعلومات)
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